About Us

Our Story

Our story is derived from personal experience with the excess waste of non-ecological single-use plastic bottled screenwash products. Plastic is slow to degrade taking around 400 years or more due to the chemical structure which presents a huge challenge to our environment.

Our mission is to provide a sustainable screen wash solution putting your safety, your environment and your pocket first. In the UK, it is a legal requirement for every vehicle that requires windscreen wipers, that they must also have windscreen washer fluid.

We eliminate the requirement for single-use plastic bottled screen wash existing within our environment! We have developed a powder-form of screen wash that dissolves immediately when added to water. Our carefully designed formula provides all the benefits of single-use plastic bottled screenwash but using a reusable bottle eliminating the associated CO2 emissions with plastic waste and the extortionate purchase price.

This means we keep you legal on the road, you are reducing plastic waste by using reusable plastic every time you fill up your washer bottle and this saves you money. Win-Win.

Did You Know?

According to research, each year, approximately 8 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans. UK motorists consume over 100 million plastic bottles of screen wash per annum which is around 2 million plastic bottles per week. These bottles end up in landfill being incinerated or they make their way into the sea and our oceans unnecessarily harming our environment. In the marine environment, the most well-documented impacts are entanglement and ingestion by wildlife. Plastics are estimated to represent almost 80% of the total marine debris floating in the world’s oceans.

The government has initiated a 25-year plan that aims to “set the global gold standard” on eliminating plastic. This is designed to encourage industries to take greater responsibility for the environmental impact of their products and to make them easier to recycle.

Our Clear Screen Economical, Ecological screen wash ticks the boxes and is designed to reduce the environmental impact of plastics and waste by eliminating the need to recycle as it is a bottle for life. Simply buy the sachet formula and add water. Repeat!

How Are We Making A Difference?

Our mission starts with helping to improve our environment. We help to reduce the carbon footprint of our global community by saving on carbon emissions. Large companies such as supermarkets are now getting on board with this change and are introducing plastic-free zones.

Although attitudes towards plastic are slowly changing, we need to build on this momentum to play our part in saving the environment. Here’s how.

If just 1% of cars changed to Clear Screen Eco Wash, it would result in more than 275 delivery trucks being taken off the road per year! That means that by switching just 1% of cars on the road to Clear Screen Eco Wash, we would reduce our CO2 emissions by more than 83 tonnes per year.

Play your part in eliminating single-use plastic bottled screen wash from our planet by taking on board the Clear Screen ECO System.